package jcode; ;###################################################################### ;# ;# Japanese character code conversion library ;# ;# Copyright (c) 1991,1992 Software Research Associates, Inc. ;# Original by, Feb 1992 ;# ;# Maintained by Kazumasa Utashiro ;# Software Research Associates, Inc., Japan ;# ;; $rcsid = q$Id:,v 1.9 1994/02/14 06:16:29 utashiro Exp $; ;# ;###################################################################### ;# ;# INTERFACE: ;# ;# &jcode'getcode(*line) ;# Return 'jis', 'sjis', 'euc' or undef according to ;# Japanese character code in $line. ;# ;# &jcode'convert(*line, $ocode [, $icode]) ;# Convert the line in any Japanese code to specified ;# code in second argument $ocode. $ocode is one of ;# 'jis', 'sjis' or 'euc'. Input code is recognized ;# automatically from the line itself when $icode is not ;# supplied. $icode also can be specified, but xxx2yyy ;# routine is more efficient when both codes are known. ;# ;# It returns a list of pointer of convert subroutine and ;# input code. It means that this routine returns the ;# input code of the line in scalar context. ;# ;# &jcode'xxx2yyy(*line) ;# Convert Japanese code from xxx to yyy. xxx and yyy ;# are one of "jis", "sjis" or "euc". These subroutines ;# return number of converted substrings. So return ;# value 0 means the line was not converted at all. ;# ;# &jcode'jis_inout($in, $out) ;# Set or inquire JIS start and end sequences. Default ;# is "ESC-$-B" and "ESC-(-B". If you supplied only one ;# character, "ESC-$" or "ESC-(" is added as a prefix ;# for each character respectively. Acutually "ESC-(-B" ;# is not a sequence to end JIS code but a sequence to ;# start ASCII code set. So `in' and `out' are somewhat ;# misleading. ;# ;# &jcode'get_inout($string) ;# Get JIS start and end sequences from $string. ;# ;# $jcode'convf{'xxx', 'yyy'} ;# The value of this associative array is pointer to the ;# subroutine jcode'xxx2yyy(). ;# ;# --------------------------------------------------------------- ;# ;# &jcode'init() ;# Initialize the variables used in other functions. You ;# don't have to call this when using by do or ;# require. Call it first if you embedded the ;# in your script. ;# ;###################################################################### ;# ;# SAMPLES ;# ;# Convert any Kanji code to JIS and print each line with code name. ;# ;# while (<>) { ;# $code = &jcode'convert(*_, 'jis'); ;# print $code, "\t", $_; ;# } ;# ;# Convert all lines to JIS according to the first recognized line. ;# ;# while (<>) { ;# print, next unless /[\033\200-\377]/; ;# (*f, $icode) = &jcode'convert(*_, 'jis'); ;# print; ;# defined(&f) || next; ;# while (<>) { &f(*_); print; } ;# last; ;# } ;# ;# The safest way for converting to JIS ;# ;# while (<>) { ;# ($matched, $code) = &jcode'getcode(*_); ;# print, next unless (@buf || $matched); ;# push(@readahead, $_); ;# next unless $code; ;# eval "&jcode'${code}2jis(*_), print while (\$_ = shift(\@buf));"; ;# eval "&jcode'${code}2jis(*_), print while (\$_ = <>);"; ;# last; ;# } ;# ;###################################################################### ;# ;# Call initialize function if not called yet. This sounds strange ;# but this makes easy to embed the in the script. Call ;# &jcode'init at the beginning of the script in that case. ;# &init unless defined $version; ;# ;# Initialize variables. ;# sub init { ($version) = ($rcsid =~ /,v ([\d.]+)/); $re_sjis_c = '[\201-\237\340-\374][\100-\176\200-\374]'; $re_sjis_s = "($re_sjis_c)+"; $re_euc_c = '[\241-\376][\241-\376]'; $re_euc_s = "($re_euc_c)+"; $re_jin = '\033\$[\@B]'; $re_jout = '\033\([BJ]'; &jis_inout("\033\$B", "\033(B"); for $from ('jis', 'sjis', 'euc') { for $to ('jis', 'sjis', 'euc') { eval "\$convf{$from, $to} = *${from}2${to};"; } } } ;# ;# Set JIS in and out final characters. ;# sub jis_inout { $jin = shift || $jin; $jout = shift || $jout; $jin = "\033\$".$jin if length($jin) == 1; $jout = "\033\(".$jout if length($jout) == 1; ($jin, $jout); } ;# ;# Get JIS in and out sequences from the string. ;# sub get_inout { local($jin, $jout); $_[$[] =~ /$re_jin/o && ($jin = $&); $_[$[] =~ /$re_jout/o && ($jout = $&); ($jin, $jout); } ;# ;# Character code recognition ;# sub getcode { local(*_) = @_; return undef unless /[\033\200-\377]/; return 'jis' if /$re_jin|$re_jout/o; local($sjis, $euc); $sjis += length($&) while /$re_sjis_s/go; $euc += length($&) while /$re_euc_s/go; (&max($sjis, $euc), ('euc', undef, 'sjis')[($sjis<=>$euc) + $[ + 1]); } sub max { $_[ $[ + ($_[$[] < $_[$[+1]) ]; } ;# ;# Convert any code to specified code ;# sub convert { local(*_, $ocode, $icode) = @_; return (undef, undef) unless $icode = $icode || &getcode(*_); $ocode = 'jis' unless $ocode; local(*convf) = $convf{$icode, $ocode}; do convf(*_); (*convf, $icode); } ;# ;# JIS to JIS ;# sub jis2jis { local(*_) = @_; s/$re_jin/$jin/go; s/$re_jout/$jout/go; } ;# ;# SJIS to JIS ;# sub sjis2jis { local(*_) = @_; s/$re_sjis_s/&_sjis2jis($&)/geo; } sub _sjis2jis { local($_) = @_; s/../$s2e{$&}||&s2e($&)/geo; tr/\241-\376/\041-\176/; $jin . $_ . $jout; } ;# ;# EUC to JIS ;# sub euc2jis { local(*_) = @_; s/$re_euc_s/&_euc2jis($&)/geo; } sub _euc2jis { local($_) = @_; tr/\241-\376/\041-\176/; $jin . $_ . $jout; } ;# ;# JIS to EUC ;# sub jis2euc { local(*_) = @_; s/$re_jin([!-~]*)$re_jout/&_jis2euc($1)/geo; } sub _jis2euc { local($_) = @_; tr/\041-\176/\241-\376/; $_; } ;# ;# JIS to SJIS ;# sub jis2sjis { local(*_) = @_; s/$re_jin([!-~]*)$re_jout/&_jis2sjis($1)/geo; } sub _jis2sjis { local($_) = @_; tr/\041-\176/\241-\376/; s/../$e2s{$&}||&e2s($&)/ge; $_; } ;# ;# SJIS to EUC ;# sub sjis2euc { local(*_) = @_; s/$re_sjis_c/$s2e{$&}||&s2e($&)/geo; } sub s2e { ($c1, $c2) = unpack('CC', $code = shift); if ($c2 >= 0x9f) { $c1 = $c1 * 2 - ($c1 >= 0xe0 ? 0xe0 : 0x60); $c2 += 2; } else { $c1 = $c1 * 2 - ($c1 >= 0xe0 ? 0xe1 : 0x61); $c2 += 0x60 + ($c2 < 0x7f); } $s2e{$code} = pack('CC', $c1, $c2); } ;# ;# EUC to SJIS ;# sub euc2sjis { local(*_) = @_; s/$re_euc_c/$e2s{$&}||&e2s($&)/geo; } sub e2s { ($c1, $c2) = unpack('CC', $code = shift); if ($c1 % 2) { $c1 = ($c1>>1) + ($c1 < 0xdf ? 0x31 : 0x71); $c2 -= 0x60 + ($c2 < 0xe0); } else { $c1 = ($c1>>1) + ($c1 < 0xdf ? 0x30 : 0x70); $c2 -= 2; } $e2s{$code} = pack('CC', $c1, $c2); } ;# ;# SJIS to SJIS, EUC to EUC ;# sub sjis2sjis { 0; } sub euc2euc { 0; } 1;